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His Holiness Sakyya Rinpoche Confers Kalachakra in Minnesota

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Kunsang Dolma interviewed Lama Pema Wangdak, head of the Sakya Buddhist Center in New York, on His Holiness Sakya Rinpoche's conferment of Kalachakra Initiation in Minnesota. Lama Pema Wangdak says after completing wide range of religious activities in New York, Sakya Daktri Rinpoche, the head of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism, has started conferring Kalachakra Empowerment in Minneapolis. The Kalachakra, meaning “Wheels of Time” is a complex teaching and practice in Tibetan Buddhism. Although the teaching is considered  advanced and difficult to understand, there is a tradition of offering it to large public audiences. Lama Wangdak says more than two thousand local Tibetans and other disciples are attending this particular Kalachakra Empowerment in Minnesota. The teaching is organized by the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota and Sakya Buddhist Center in Minnesota.