DIIR Organizes Middle Way Policy Strategic Planning Meeting

İslailin baş naziri Benyamin Netanyahu mediaya açıqlamasını yəhudilərin müqəddəs Qərb Divarının yanında verir - Qüds, 18 mart, 2015<br /> <br /> &nbsp;

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Middle Way Policy Strategic Planning Meeting in Delhi (In Tibetan)

The Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) based in Dharamsala, North India organized a middle way policy strategic planning meeting at the Vishwa Yuwa Kendra (International Youth Center) located in New Delhi.

The 2-day meeting which began on January 13, 2014 is aimed at the young employees of Tibetan administration's education on how to spread the understanding of middle way policy in the Tibetan society and the world at large.

The strategic planning meeting is attended by the Minister for DIIR, Ms. Dicki Chhoyang; Special Representative of Europe, Mr. Kelsang Gyaltsen; and the Representative in Taiwan, Mr. Dawa Tsering.

Apart from the young employees of Tibetan administration including newly appointed officers of the Tibet Offices abroad, there are Tibetan school teachers and few executive members of the Tibetan NGOs amongst the participants of the meeting.