Police Halt Tibetan Protest at Olympics - 2004-08-29

The police stopped six Tibetan activists from marching into the Olympic Sports Complex today in Athens and had detained them for couple of hours before they were released. The Tibetans wanted to deliver their version of the Olympic flag with five bullet holes instead of the five rings to the IOC. The flag also has a slogan: “China plays games with human rights.” The Tibetan spokesman Tenzin Sewo said that they will use every opportunity until 2008 to protest against “the illegal occupation of Tibet. It is our contention that there should be no Olympic games in China as long as Tibet is occupied and human rights are suppressed.”

Activists from the International Tibet Support Network display a banner with five bullet holes replacing the Olympic rings in the sport complex of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens on Sunday. In the evening the organizers of the 2008 Beijing Games will receive the Olympic flag.

Activists from the International Tibet Support Network scuffle with police officers as they carry a banner with five bullet holes replacing the Olympic rings in the sport complex of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens on Sunday. In the evening the organizers of the 2008 Beijing Games will receive the Olympic flag.