Nepali Sherpa Sets Everest Record - 2004-05-17

A Nepali sherpa has set a new record for the number of Mount Everest climbs by reaching the top of the world's highest mountain for the 14th time. A Nepali Tourism Ministry official said Appa Sherpa reached the summit of Mount Everest Monday morning.

The veteran Sherpa broke his own record of 13 climbs from last year.

Appa, who makes his living by guiding expeditions to the top of Mount Everest once a year, climbed the mountain for the first time in 1989.

Since New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tensing Norgay first conquered Mount Everest on May 29, 1953, more than 1,300 people have climbed the mountain, and almost 200 have died in the process.