Carter Receives Nobel Prize, Appeals for Peace - 2002-12-11

Jimmy Carter says he is honored to have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Bill Gasperini reports from Oslo, where the former U.S. president received the award Tuesday.

Former President Carter received the peace prize at a ceremony in Oslo's City Hall. After accepting it, he gave a brief speech in which he said the search for peace is more critical than ever because the world is becoming increasingly dangerous.

Mr. Carter also praised the United Nations for its role in dealing with world problems, saying that all nations must abide by decisions made by the world body. "The carefully considered decisions of the United Nations Security Council must be enforced," he said. "All too often, the alternative has proven to be uncontrollable violence and expanding spheres of hostility."

The former president said that Iraq must comply fully with the Security Council resolution on weapons inspections.

He also said that UN Resolution 242 should also be enforced. It deals with the Middle East conflict, calling for Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories in exchange for the right to live in security with its neighbors.

Mr. Carter also discussed the humanitarian and development work that his foundation, The Carter Center, has been involved in around the world. He said he looks on the center as a way to address the root cause of many conflicts, economic inequality.

"We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace," said Mr. Carter. "We can make these changes, and we must."

Norway's king and queen were among the luminaries at the ceremony, which included a performance by American opera singer Jessye Norman.