China Bans Foreigners Traveling to Tibet བོད་སྐད།

China has banned foreign tourists from traveling to Tibet until after the upcoming sensitive anniversary of 60 years of communist party rule.

Tourism officials in Tibet say the ban begins this week and will run all the way through October 8. China will hold ceremonies to mark the date on October first.

As the anniversary approaches, China has been tightening security, putting thousands of police on the streets ahead of festivities that will include fireworks, a military parade and mass performances at Tiananmen Square.

China requires foreigners to obtain special permission to visit Tibet and routinely bars them from the region during sensitive periods.

Since Tibet and other Tibetan areas in China were rocked by widespread unrest around March of 2008, the region has periodically been off limits.

In March, Beijing barred foreigners from the region during the 50th anniversary of a failed uprising that sent the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, into exile.