Foreign Tourism Resumes in Tibet བོད་སྐད།

China reopened Tibet to foreign tourists Wednesday, the first group of foreign tourists, from Sweden, arrived at the airport near the capital, Lhasa. Three months after a harsh crackdown on anti-government protests that sparked an international firestorm.

Statements on the Tibet Autonomous Regional websites say they are resuming foreign tourism following last Saturday's run of the Beijing Olympic torch through the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. The statements declared the torch run a success, and said it was a victory over "separatists" and proved that social stability in the territory had been restored.

China halted all tourism in Tibet after the March 14th anti-government protests and subsequent crackdown. Beijing allowed domestic tour groups back into the region in late April.

China says 22 people were killed in the demonstrations, but Tibet's government-in-exile says more than 200 people died in the crackdown on mostly monk-led protests.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters