Tibetan Chinese Youth Dialogue བརྙན་འཕྲིན།

Dialogue sessions between Tibetan and Mainland Chinese students in North American Colleges and Universities have been a growing phenomenon in the recent past. These introductory discussion forums have already proven to be invaluable in allowing the two groups to become acquainted with each other’s perspectives, despite the widely differing positions of their governments.

As it’s become clear once again that the crises in Tibet grew out of a fundamental misreading by the Chinese on how best to rule Tibet, and as to what the real aspirations and priorities of the Tibetan people might be, it becomes critically important that young Chinese and the Tibetans learn to communicate with each other for their own mutual benefit and futures.

Kunleng invites Dr. Lobsang Sangay from Harvard, who is active in these dialogues, and Mr. Thondup Tsering from University of Massachusetts, who participated in two of these open forums at five colleges in Western Massachusetts, to share their views and experiences.

Kunleng TV is simulcast on television via satellite, on shortwave radio, and via the Internet in real time. Tune in every Wednesday at 1400-1500 UTC, 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm Lhasa time. From Tibet and China Call toll-free 108888 AT&T 866 837 5159 From elsewhere us at 1-202-619-3774 (Tell the operator to reverse the charges and we will pay for the call.) Or send your name and phone number in advance so we can contact you during the show. If you are not able to join us in person please send your questions to us via fax or E-mail to: tibetanTV@voanews.com or Fax: 1- 202-382-55