Multiple Car Bombings, Explosions in Baghdad Kill 22 Iraqis

Iraqi security officials say car bombings and roadside explosions across Baghdad Tuesday killed at least 22 people and wounded many more.

Officials say three near simultaneous car bombings occurred in a busy intersection in a western part of the capital. Other attacks took place in central and eastern parts of the city.

Iraqi police also say they found the bodies of 40 victims of apparent sectarian violence in Baghdad Monday. Many showed signs of torture.

In Kirkuk in northern Iraq, a roadside bomb killed at least two people.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military announced the deaths of six more American soldiers. This raises the U.S. death toll in Iraq to nearly 3,000, more than the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks on the U.S.

The military also says coalition forces captured a "suspected leader of a murder and kidnapping cell" near Baghdad.

In another development, White House officials say they will wait for the completion of an investigation into the activities of several Iranians detained in Baghdad before characterizing their actions.

A spokesman says the detentions could validate U.S. claims of Iranian meddling in Iraq.

Iraqi officials say President Jalal Talabani had invited two of the Iranians to the capital, and that he was not happy American forces had detained them.

Tehran says it only has political and religious links with Iraqi Shi'ites.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.