Talk to VOA:President Hu Jintao's US visit

Weeks before China's president Hu Jintao's US visit, the Tibetan Government-in-Exile issued a strongly worded appeal to Tibetan associations
and Tibet support groups in North America to refrain from staging protests
during the visit.

Citing the need to create a better atmosphere for the ongoing dialogue process with Beijing, the exiled government has repeatedly urged Tibetan groups and their supporters not to stage demonstrations during the foreign visits of Chinese leaders. Many organizations have ignored these appeals as simply a tactical move on the part of the Tibetan cabinet. However, this latest appeal has stirred public debate. While some organizations have continued to publicly protest the presidential visit, many groups have opted to stay away.

This week's Tibetan TV call-in show will focus on the public response to the exiled government's appeal. Joining us from New York will be Tenzin Dorjee, a leader of the Students for a Free Tibet and an organizer of some of the pro Tibet demonstrations following Chinese president Hu. From Seattle, Tashi Namgyal, president of the Seattle area Tibetan Association, will discuss his organization's decision to respect the exiled leadership's latest appeal.

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