Tibetan Uprising Day Observed in Various Cities in Europe and America

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In France, dozens of counties have raised Tibetan flag during the Tibetan Uprising Day. In Switzerland, members of the parliament raised Tibet issue, the Minneapolis City Council adopted a resolution on Tibet, Amherst and Northampton cities issued Tibet proclamations, and the cities in California and Minnesota raised Tibetan flag on the 58th Tibetan National Uprising Day. On this week’s Table Talk, we discuss these activities with some of the people who were behind the campaign actions. Guests: Norbu Tsering, President of Tibetan Community of NY& NJ, Salden Kunga, Event/Volunteer Coordinator of Toronto Tibetan Assoc., Sonam Dhondup, President of Minnesota Tibetan Assoc.,Tenzin Nyingbu President, Tibetan community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Tinley Namdol, President of Paris Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Thondup Tsering, Resident of Amherst, Massachusetts.