Tibetans and Supporters Organize Global Solidarity Campaign for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

Tibetans in Paris protesting China's treatment of a prominent Tibetan Buddhist scholar and his sudden death in prison.

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Global Protest and Solidarity Campaign for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche (In Tibetan)

Tibetans and Tibet supporters from Toronto, New York City, Zurich, Paris, and other major cities staged protests against the Chinese government for the sudden death of Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a prominent Tibetan religious figure, social worker, environmentalist, cultural and language crusader in China's prison last Sunday.

Chinese authorities cremated the body of Delek Rinpoche in a prison Thursday against the wishes of his family, who had wanted to perform Buddhist funeral rites on the body in his hometown.

Following the news of Rinpoche's sudden and unexplained death, scores of Tibet activists and supporters staged protests infront of their respective Chinese embassies and consulates.

On July 15, the Students for Free Tibet, local Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, and other organizations jointly organized global protest against China, where hundreds of Tibetans and Tibet supporters participated. Their demands were clear: an immediate and transparent investigation into his sudden death.

While most of these protests took place outside the Chinese consulates in their respective countries, Tibetan activists in few areas were able to brief the United Nations officials on the situation and request immediate transparency. Others have urged their parliamentarians and foreign ministries to address this issue with the Chinese leaders.