Tibetan Chamber for Commerce Begins Tenth Annual Meeting

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Tibetan Chamber of Commerce Tenth Annual Meeting (In Tibetan)

Lobsang Sangay, head of the Tibetan Administration in Exile, urged the Tibetan businessmen gathered at the inaugural function of the tenth annual general meeting of the Tibetan Chamber of Commerce (TCC) to take additional leadership towards the development of Tibetan communities at Norbu House, Dharamsala, North India on April 22, 2015.

Sangay shared stories of some of the wealthiest business tycoons such as Ford and Gates, whose committment towards philanthropy were exemplary, and requested the present members of TCC to implement these model in the Tibetan society.

He stressed on the significance of 'ethics' in businesses and encouraged the individuals to utilize their monetary instincts in assisting the Tibetan cause by providing aid and cooperating with those in need such as, farmers in the settlement areas, new comers from Tibet, orphans, etc.

Also present at the occasion were Penpa Tsering, Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament; Gyari Dolma, Minister of Department of Home; Kesang Ngurup Damo, Deputy Resident Commissioner, Government of Arunachal Pradesh; senior officials of CTA; representatives of Tibetan NGOs, and members of TCC.

Speaker Penpa Tsering applauded TCC members for their engagement in creating various Tibetan awareness programs, while Gyari Dolma, Kalon for Department of Home urged the members to take collaborative initiatives with the Tibetan farmers in organic farming through Public Private Partnership.

Mr. Kesang Ngurup Damo, Deputy Resident Commissioner, Government of Arunachal Pradesh advised TCC to inform, educate, and communicate with its members regarding the swift changes taking places in rules and regulations of taxes, and land laws than simply concentrating on monetary gain to strengthen the Tibetan Chamber for Commerce's potential.

The board members of TCC presented their annual financial report, and are scheduled to to discuss the organization's future plans within the next two days of the meeting.