Personal Experiences of Four First Timers for Tibet Lobby

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Yeshi Dolma is from Kham Derge and currently based in Chicago while Migmar Tsering from Vermont was born in Toe Dingri, Tibet. Tenzin Tsephel from San Francisco was born in Dharamsala and New York based Tsering Dolkar is from Bylakuppe Tibetan Settlement in South India. Armed with unique personal stories and backgrounds, all of them participated for the first time in this year’s annual Tibet Lobby campaign organized by the International Campaign for Tibet. Yeshi Dolma said to VOA that she presented the plight of Tibet's situation through her own family's struggle and difficulties and Migmar mentioned that he discussed about the current socio-economic situation of his native village in Tibet to better understand the larger issue of Tibet by the U.S. Congress. Table Talk discusses their personal experiences from this year’s lobby campaign and the impact it had on them personally from this trip to D.C.