Dharamsala Celebrates India’s 66th Independence Day

Tibetan prime minister-in-exile hoisting the Indian flag in front of Central Tibetan Administration's office

Tibetans in Dharamsala Wednesday celebrated India’s 66th Independence Day.

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) officials marked the day by hoisting the Indian national flag in front of their office.

Prime Minister of Tibetan Administration thanked the Indian Government and people for hosting Tibetan refugees for many decades.

“We congratulate India on its many achievements of the past 65 years and would also like to thank India and Himachal Pradesh for being a wonderful host for the Tibetan,”said Lobsang Sangay.

Five major Tibetan non-governmental organizations in Dharamsala with support from the Tibetan Welfare office jointly held a program Wednesday afternoon to thank and congratulate India on its 66th Independence Day.

Mr. Ajay Singh Mangotia, president of the Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society and the chief guest of the event, thanked Tibetans for hosting celebratory events to mark the independence day of India. He urged all the friends to take action to solve the crisis in Tibet by writing to their member of parliaments.

“I am sure that one day Tibet will mark its Independence Day where Indians will join to celebrate,” he said.

Tibetans in Dharamsala distributed Indian snacks and performed various dances to thank India and its people.

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Dharamsala Celebrates India's Independence Day (In Tibetan)