
གཟའ་ཉི་མ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༩/༠༨

North American Rally for Tibet

Tibetans and Supporters to Hold Rally in Washington DC (source:tibet.net)
Tibetans and Supporters to Hold Rally in Washington DC (source:tibet.net)
Tibetans and Tibetan supporters in North America are holding a rally in Washington DC, capital of the United States on October 7, 2013, to call upon the United States government to take concrete action towards addressing Tibet's deteriorating situation by assisting in initiating a dialogue process with China.

The rally is organized by the Tibetan American and Tibetan Canadian Communities, with the collaboration of Tibet support groups in North America including the International Campaign for Tibet and International Tibet Network.

This gathering is expected to be one of the largest rallies for Tibet in North America, with people attending from various states and cities.

The Office of Tibet based in New York and members of the Tibetan Parliament in North America would be responsible for coordinating the rally.Save