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Thousands Flee Burma Floods

A woman tries to get on a boat from her house half-submerged in Daga township, Ayeyarwaddy division, about 126 kilometers (78 miles) northwest of Rangoon, Burma, August 24, 2012.
A woman tries to get on a boat from her house half-submerged in Daga township, Ayeyarwaddy division, about 126 kilometers (78 miles) northwest of Rangoon, Burma, August 24, 2012.
The worst monsoon floods to hit southern Burma in years have forced nearly 70,000 people to flee their homes and have inundated wide areas of crop lands.

Officials say hundreds of relief centers are housing the displaced after weeks of flooding rains. They say the deluge is the worst the annual monsoon rains have been since 2004.

The same region was devastated by a 2008 cyclone that left 130,000 people dead or missing.

No casualties have been reported in the current flooding.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.