
གཟའ་ཉི་མ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༩/༠༨

Eighth Tibetan College Student's Conference Begins in Baroda


The 8th Tibetan College Student's Conference held in Baroda, Gujarat of West India was attended by 40 students from 12 colleges in India on February 11, 2014.

The four-day conference aims to bring the Tibetan youth together in moulding a better future of Tibet and getting to know the Tibetan cause and situation inside clearer.

The opening function was graced by former Finance Minister of Gujarat, and TYC President Tenzing Jigme was present as one of the guests. Phuntsok Nyima, President of the organizing comittee shared the agendas and expectations of the conference with VOA Tibetan.

The four day conference is jointly organized by Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of Baroda and Tibetan Student Association.