
གཟའ་ཉི་མ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༩/༠༨

Arrested Tibetans Schedule to Arrive Katmandu Monday - 2003-06-30

Tibetan stringer Gedun Rinchen reported that 19 Tibetans who were arrested at the border are scheduled to arrive Katmandu Monday. UNHCR sent two Tibetans to the border area to pick up the Tibetan refugees and bring them to Katmandu, Nepal, Monday. Quoting chief of the Nepalese border police, Nepalese paper reported that the Tibetans are under the care of UNHCR and that they would be taken to Katmandu. Amnesty International issued an urgent action call yesterday to prevent the forcible return of the refugees. Recently Nepal was criticized severely for deporting 18 Tibetan refugees, including some minors.