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E-Mails of Chinese Based Journalists Hacked

Foreign journalists in China and Taiwan say their e-mail accounts have been attacked in recent days, the latest incident involving apparent censorship of Internet content there.

The journalists who reported the attacks have e-mail accounts with U.S.-based Internet company Yahoo. At least one journalist says his Yahoo account had been set to send his messages to an unknown forwarding address.

A similar incident was reported in January by the Foreign Correspondents' Club of China.

Yahoo issued a statement condemning all cyberattacks "regardless of origin or purpose," and pledged to take "appropriate action in the event of any kind of breach."

In a related development, U.S.-based Internet company Google says its Chinese search engine was sporadically blocked Tuesday. The company attributed the problem to changes in China's Internet filtering system, known as "The Great Firewall."

Google has moved its search engine operations from mainland China to its territory of Hong Kong, after discovering a cyberattack on its system designed to access the e-mail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.

Despite the move to Hong Kong, Beijing continues to disable searches or block Web sites containing content it considers politically sensitive or objectionable.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters