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Chinese Authorities Demolish Tibetan Nunnery in Driru

China Demolishes Nunnery in Driru
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106 nuns from a well-known Tibetan nunnery that has often been a subject to crackdown have been expelled from their homes, which was later destroyed, according to an exiled Tibetan nun originially from Jada Nunnery.

People familiar with the area say that Jada Nunnery of Driru County, Nagchu Prefecture,Tibetan Autonomous Region host both local nuns and nuns from other areas of Tibet.

The Tibetan Center of Human Rights and Democracy (TCHR) based in Dharamsala, Northern India reported that the Chinese authorities have often launched crackdowns in the area, and that a number of nuns had been expelled last month as well.

According to Ngawang Tharpa, a source from India, in November of last year, 26 nuns were reportedly expelled from the same nunnery. This is however, the first time that the authorities have destroyed the residence homes of the nuns through false promises of renovating the compound.

The nunnery now has only about 60 nuns remaining as a result of these constant crackdown and expulsion.