
གཟའ་ཉི་མ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༩/༠༨

SFT Presents Lhakar Award During Annual Longsho Event

Phurbu T Namgyal, Tibetan Pop Artist Performing at the Longsho Event
Phurbu T Namgyal, Tibetan Pop Artist Performing at the Longsho Event

Students for a Free Tibet chapter based in New York held its annual fundraising event, 'Longsho Nite' to celebrate its 20th anniversary, and to honor exceptional individuals and organizations who have worked diligently towards the Tibetan cause on the evening of August 23, 2014.

They presented this year's Lhakar award to seven outstanding individuals from different parts of the world including Khenpo Khartse, Chungdak Koren, Jigme Ugen, Lhamo Tso, and Allen Cantos. Lhakar awards were instituted in 2010 by the New York based student group to recognize contributions by individuals to the Tibetan struggle.

"The event was attended by some four hundred people from different parts of the world including the United States, Canada, and Europe," said Tsepa Bayul, Communication Director of SFT.

Sources: Interview with Tsepa Bayul, SFT Communication Director, Jigme Ugen and Lhamo Tso, 2014 Lhakar Award Recipient.