
གཟའ་ལྷག་པ། ༢༠༢༥/༠༡/༠༨

Tibetan Self-Immolations Continue, 25-Year-Old Dies in Protest

Wangchen Norbu took the picture today (November 19) in Rebkong before his self-immolation later that day.
Wangchen Norbu took the picture today (November 19) in Rebkong before his self-immolation later that day.

Wangchen Norbu, 25, died after burning himself on November 19, 2012 around 8 pm in Kangtsa (Chinese: Gangca), an area adjacent to the hometown of the late Panchen Lama in Tsoshar (Chinese: Haidong) region in Yazi (Chinese: Xunhua) county, Amdo (Chinese: Qinghai).

Sources in the region say that Norbu set himself ablaze near Kangtsa Gaden Choephelling Monastery and shouted slogans calling for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, release of the Panchen Lama and freedom for Tibet.

Wangchen Norbu's body covered with scarves
Wangchen Norbu's body covered with scarves

The deceased’s body was taken to the monastery where a large number monks and lay people gathered to offer white scarves and pray.

Around 10:30 pm local time, the crowds are reported to have shouted slogans calling for the return of the exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to Tibet. As of receiving the report, the gathering of monks and local people are reported to be reciting long life prayers for the Dalai Lama.

The situation in the area is tense with paramilitary forces surrounding the area. Norbu is the son of the late Tenzin and Khando Tso.

Earlier this month on November 8th, hundreds of Gaden Chophelling monks and lay people gathered to offer mass prayers for all the self-immolators and had lit thousands of butter lamps in solidarity.

Norbu's self-immolation is the 15th such protest by Tibetans in Tibet in November. So far, at least 77 Tibetans have set themselves on fire since February 2009 to protest Chinese rule of Tibet.

Watch report on mass prayers held in Kangtsa on November 8, 2012

Mass Prayers in Kangtsa on November 8, 2012
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