
གཟའ་ཉི་མ། ༢༠༢༤/༠༩/༠༨

Tibet Fund Honors Former Special Envoy Gyari Rinpoche

A pedestrian walks through a snow storm, in south Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The National Weather Service said the storm could bring 8 to 12 inches of snow to Philadelphia and New York City, and more than a foot in Boston.
A pedestrian walks through a snow storm, in south Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The National Weather Service said the storm could bring 8 to 12 inches of snow to Philadelphia and New York City, and more than a foot in Boston.

New York based nonprofit organization Tibet Fund today honored the Dalai Lama's former special envoy Mr. Lodi Gyari for his long-term contribution to the Tibetan cause at a fund-raising gala.

The event was attended by several celebrities, including the long-time Tibet supporter Richard Gere and the former US House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi in her brief talk at the gathering said that there is an absolute bi-partisan support for the Tibetan cause in US Congress. She said both Republicans and Democrats speak with one voice when Tibet is concerned.

“We are very concerned about the critical situation in Tibet, and it was pleasure to work with Gayri Rinpoche and Richard Gere for Tibet,” former House speaker added.
